Philips PhotoFrames 6FF3FPW, 7FF3FPx and 8FF3FPx have limited internal memory. They can save up to 4 photos.
The user can delete 3 photos and upload 3 personal photos. Currently 1 original Philips photo cannot be deleted (Philips brand with baby).
Philips will give users more flexibility to delete all pre-loaded images via firmware updates. Firmware is the PhotoFrame's internal software. This new firmware will be available from October 2008.
To get the firmware update:
- Go to
- Search for your specific PhotoFrame (6FF3FPW, 7FF3FPx and 8FF3FPx)
- Click on Software & Drivers (left-hand side)
- Click on the Firmware file to download
- Follow the supplied instructions on how to install the firmware