miet article

Biggest areas of opportunity for QA compliance

King's Daughters Medical Center

The challenge

We must comply with the Joint Commission QA requirements and be able to show documented evidence of compliance.


Identify biggest areas of opportunity for QA compliance and drive effective execution.


Standardized all MRI and CT weekly QA scans across the department to make sure such QA scans are performed consistently and appropriate records are generated for compliance documentation.


QA scan sequences clearly identified and standardized in the overall protocol worklist and a process for performing them on a periodic basis streamlined to minimize the administrative burden on the operators.


Assurance of full QA compliance and readiness for the Joint Commission audits with minimal effort for the operators and radiology management at a moment’s notice.

Results are specific to the institution where they were obtained and may not reflect the results achievable at other institutions.

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La Fe Hospital Valencia

Improve flexibility of room and staff use

In this technologically advanced world in which we live in, it still amazes me that when audited for quality control measures we revert back to reviewing hand written logs that have no validation of accuracy. Through the PerformanceBridge tool this becomes a thing of the past. Now the data is pulled directly from scanner logs and can be formatted in many different ways which truly validates a sites compliance. It’s time to get rid of stone slates, hammers, and chisels."

"A lot of what I thought I might see was verified. Protocols are number one priority and the outliers are also big. This matters because it provides standardization and quality.”

- James Boggs, Radiology Operations Manager, KDMC

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